Skire HK Ltd
Showroom - H.K.
Factory - Hangzhou , China
TV Ariel and DIY Kits and Accessories
The complete collection of essential kits for running televisions. These TV extension kits is not only great value for money but super efficient. Our range incluude Tv Ariel , Accessories , Splitters , DIY Kits .etc

Model No : 005
Digital indoor antenna receiving range: UHF/VHF/FM frequency: UHF 470-862 MHz VHF 40-230 MHz / Antenna gain: 2-3 dB output impedance: 75 Ohm / noise figure: < 2.0 dB passive antenna

Model No : 122
Provides another TV signal output
Simple push on connectors

Model No : 4081
Satellite splitter coaxial cable kit
6X F plug twist on
1X TV female
1X TV splitter 5-2450MHZ.
15M Satelite Cable

Model No : 4038
TV/video lead f plug to f plug with one double female connector
Cable length: 8M or any desire length can be customised

Model No : 062
Digital indoor antenna receiving range: UHF/VHF/FM / frequency: UHF 470-862 MHz / VHF 40-230 MHz / antenna gain: 2-3 dB / output impedance: 75 Ohm noise figure: < 2.0 dB passive antenna

Model No : 4012
TV Plug male connector, nickel plated, zinc alloy Raw materials

Model No : 4013
DIY Television extension Kit
15M satellite coaxial cable with male to male
5X9.5mm TV male
50X cable clips
1X adapter male to 2 F female
1X 9.5mm TV male
1X 9.5mm female to female adapter

Model No : 4007
3C2V cables, Length: Avaliabe in 5m / 10m / 15m / 20m

Model No : 3207S
TV Aerial Extension Kits
5M coxail cable
3X coaxial plugs
21 Cable Clips
2ways coaxial splitter